All photos on this site are copyright Sue Clark or used with permission of Holland America. No other use permitted.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Santarem, Brazil

We arrived in Santarem later than planned as the current in the Amazon was causing us to run late. It didn’t matter to us as we didn’t have a tour booked.

This city was more to my liking; only about 250,000 population and no highrises. We rode the shuttle into the center of town where there were many stores selling regular day to day stuff. That is much more fun than looking at more masks, bags, and now dead Piranha fish in tourist stalls. There was a lovely church just off the main square, but I couldn’t get any pictures inside. We just wandered along a few of the streets and looked through the windows… nothing really for photographs but an enjoyable way to spend a couple hours. Then we came back to the ship in time to shower and change for dinner.

The morning was spent going back and forth from the cabin to the deck for photo ops. The river is at its widest here - about 9 miles so much of the time we weren’t near a bank, but when we were it was interesting to see both the rainforest and the houses built in random places along the banks and looking at the riverboats - some quite large with three decks and some very small.

This last photo is of the Lido staff. Alex, the supervisor (in the uniform in back), has become a good friend and has taken wonderful care of us since we eat dinner there everyday. There seem to be about 6 couples that have chosen to eat in the Lido as we see them every night. In this picture they are dressed for “Carnival Night”.

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