All photos on this site are copyright Sue Clark or used with permission of Holland America. No other use permitted.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Fortaleza, Brazil

Another city of about 2 million people. We took the shuttle into the city early as it dropped us at the Central Market and a block away is one of the largest Cathedrals in Brazil.

The Central Market was a disappointment in that it really seemed to be a huge tourist market rather than a market where the locals would shop. The cathedral was huge and beautiful and had many many stained glass windows, but either was fairly new or had been totally refurbished and had none of the old architectural interest that I love. We debated on walking a few blocks, but all we could see were more shops so we came back to the ship. It was 95 degrees and bright sunshine… as the Cruise Director said later… a heat index of 350 degrees. Ok, I’m a wuss, but the heat just knocks me these days, I was so poopled when we got back to the ship I didn’t want to move off the bed (I had a nice cold washcloth over my head!).

Jim said I should post this picture of me with two of the dancers that welcomed our ship into Recife a couple days ago.

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