All photos on this site are copyright Sue Clark or used with permission of Holland America. No other use permitted.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Parintins, Brazil

Many of the people on the ship (about 300) had booked the Boi Bumba show. We had booked it as soon as we found out we were going on this adventure on the advise of our friends Ray and Joann who said it was fantastic. The show is a tradition for Parintins and represents the killing of a bull at the request of a slave woman back in the 1800‘s… it’s a much longer story, but the costuming and celebration is said to rival Carnival in Rio on a smaller scale. The real festival takes place in June in a huge outdoor arena, but they have a brand new indoor convention center with (a little) air conditioning for us tourists that melt in the heat. There was a projection or press booth up high at the back and I asked the ship photographers if I could go up there with them so I got wonderful shots. Jim also got a good spot - sitting on the floor right up front. The show lasted a little over an hour and was filled with wonderful costumes, dancers and music. It is a must do if you do an Amazon cruise.

The town of Parintins is a small town and you could visit much of it in a day, but as we were late in reaching it in the morning we had no time to explore it prior to the show and afterwards it was just too hot. We chose to instead just look at some of the local crafts… Jim looked for a shot glass with no success and ended up getting a T-shirt as we had Reales left to spend and this was our last port in Brazil. Then we sat in an outside bar and shared a local Brahma beer before heading back to the ship.

Oops, I was just looking at the pictures I had for this blog entry and saw the one of the Boy Scouts. They were all along the way from the ship to the convention center to ‘help’ us. They all looked so cute and were so willing to help I just had to include a picture.

I’m pooped, we have had a number of ports one right after the other so I’m really looking forward to these couple sea days before our next stop at Devil’s Island.

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