All photos on this site are copyright Sue Clark or used with permission of Holland America. No other use permitted.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Sea day - Caribbean

It is Saturday morning and we are just south of Jamaica in the Caribbean. Seas are moderate so we have a bit of rocking which we enjoy. It started nice and sunny, but we just went through a squall with some rain - ahead looks sunny again. Yesterday was a beautiful day up in the 80’s and mostly sunny all day, but there was a wind that made sitting on deck not too pleasant. None of the pools or hot tubs are filled or open yet and people are not happy about that. When it was still cool that didn’t seem to be a problem.

Last night was the Captain’s Welcome (a formal night) and we went to the dining room. The food was very good, but the service is so slow that I doubt we will go often. For those of you that know us, that isn’t unusual for us as we most often go to the Lido for dinner. We spent most of the hour and a half sitting with either dirty plates in front of us, or nothing. We excused ourselves before dessert was offered. As much as I hate to say it, I find the dining experience on this and other ships we have been on recently far below what we received just a few years ago. Our tablemates are delightful, but I just do not enjoy 2-hour dinners.

Our cabin went from very cold (first two days) to way too hot. Yesterday we spent the day turning the dial down… it’s now down all the way and we have a fairly comfortable cabin this morning. I’m putting our extra blankets under the bed in case we go back to cold!

We have received several very nice gifts, faux-leather journal and bag tags, nice big zippered tote bags with the Grand Voyage 2010 logo and an Amaryllis bulb with a vase. Since they grow very quickly, I’m trying to grow mine now as I don’t want to bother trying to take it home… the vase is glass and very large.

As many of our Ensemble passengers still had not received their Welcome letters, I asked the desk to make copies for me from my extra and we personally delivered them to all the cabins… now I know everyone got a copy.

Stay tuned!

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