All photos on this site are copyright Sue Clark or used with permission of Holland America. No other use permitted.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Panama Canal

We have just entered the Gatun Locks of the Panama Canal. We approached them about 5:30 this morning while it was still quite dark. Jim and I went forward on deck 7 and I tried to get some pictures as we approached the first lock, but I probably just got ‘art’ as they are liable to be blurry when I see them on a bigger computer.

We have been through the canal several times so I will go in and out all day, but probably not stay outside… it’s going to be really hot.

Yesterday we spent a couple hours wandering around in Puerto Limon but didn’t find anything very interesting except in the park we watched a sloth in the trees for about a half hour. He was awake and moving through the branches which was fairly unusual. They move their limbs so very slowly they almost make a koala seem speedy! I’m going to make this quick post as we are going in and out of internet range as we move through the locks.

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