All photos on this site are copyright Sue Clark or used with permission of Holland America. No other use permitted.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Catching up again

Well, after two days of staying in the cabin so I wouldn’t spread my cold I’m feeling much better and not going through tissues every minute or two.

Yesterday the port was for Pisco, Peru and I’m sorry I wasn’t feeling good enough to do anything. The port was really in the desert; not a tree to be seen. It was about 30 miles to Pisco and they ran a ship shuttle to Paracas which was about 12 miles away. Wildlife was the main focus of this port, there were flamingos, many types of seals, other birds and Penguins. I can’t believe I missed penguins. Jim was able to get some shots using the long lens as we left port.

Just before we sailed from the port the Captain came over the speakers and announced that we would be making a scenic departure that would allow us to see the Candelabra on the side of the mountain. We cruised very slowly as our tour guide, Frank, narrated over the speakers. This strange creation is many hundreds of years old and believed to be related to the Nazca lines [did I spell that right?] which are only about 100 miles from here. Unlike those lines which are only visible from the air, since this is on the side of a hill and the sun was perfect for some shadowing it was perfect.

This morning I made it to the book club at 9:00 - we are reading Like Water for Chocolate. Carolyn, the librarian is a retired school teacher and does an excellent job leading the discussion. At 11:30 we played trivia and then at 12:15 we had a CruiseCritic lunch. After that I decided it was time to read for a while and now I’m sitting in the Ocean bar ‘working’ and listing to pre-dinner music.  It's a tough life, but someone has to do it!


  1. hey sis and jim, glad you are having a good time on your cruise and sorry that sis came down with a cold. i never really know the dates of your cruises, so i went to facebook to see if you had any posts and got the URL to your blog and have just read the whole thing. sis, you mention at the beginning that some guy writes this great blog but you write beautifully yourself! i can truly say that, if i ever take a cruise, i will know whom to go to with questions! we are both more of the windjammer barefoot thing... sounds like maybe even that seabourn 120 pax thing but my blog handle for this says it all. ;-) carol and i just got back from a few days in sun valley idaho and will spend valentines day with laurie in denver coming up. other than that, we are both very busy with work. we have had a half a foot of rain this month which is like noahs ark for us, but we both like it. ohh... do you book the Ark? i will try to remember to check in from time to time to see how things are going. i haven't done the math to see when you get back, but it looks to be awhile so enjoy!

  2. From another blog on this cruise I found this post. I hope Jim & Sue are OK -- Ray

    "That's about when we got the BAD NEWS. As we waited for the ship to leave at 5pm, Captain Albert came on the public PA system with a dreaded message. A gastrointestinal virus has hit the Prinsendam! We knew it...especially when the staff insisted on the Purell a few days ago while entering the dining room. DARN! We were doing so good, we thought. Chances are that while in Lima, Peru, the virus may have come onboard with the new passengers. It only takes 48 hours for that virus to spread. The staff is also affected,since we have noticed our room steward has been absent. Captain Albert urged us all to wash our hands, use Purell""
