All photos on this site are copyright Sue Clark or used with permission of Holland America. No other use permitted.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Fjords of Chile

We have been sailing down through the fjords for the last two days.  It is very beautiful, but the skies are gray, misty and sometimes rainy.  My photos are pretty 'gray' so I won't post any yet.  I'm hoping I can photoshop them a bit when we get home to pop the colors out of the gray.

Tomorrow we will be in Puenta Arenas... penguins.  Internet may become spotty so I'll post as I can until we are back out of the Antarctic..

1 comment:

  1. From this area and back to Fll are the most interesting per our cruise last year.

    We had good weather and I hope you will also as so far the weather has not been good.

